Mel Kenne


Election Year 

The shit man
is coming. He
is sagging along,
leaving his stain.
A visionary,
he sees that
beyond shit
there is nothing,
nothing to gain.
The shit man
is coming. He
is singing his
song of shit,
expecting all
of us to listen
and eagerly turn
our collective
to it.

Mel Kenne is the author of six books of poetry. His most recent collection, Take, was published in 2012 by Muse-Pie Press. In 2010 Yapi Kredi Publishers in Istanbul published a bilingual collection of his poetry, Galata’dan/The View from Galata, in Turkish and English. His second book, South Wind, won the 1984 Austin Book Award. In 2010 he was one of the Nazim Hikmet Poetry Award winners. He lives in Istanbul, Turkey.