Noah Burton


The boy keeps adding frogs
to his aquarium, rocks to his collection jar—
by afternoon, he takes water from the sink
to the dry well in the side yard.
Filling and carrying a bowl,
he spills a trail behind him.
His mother sorts mint on the table.
Stalks to the right and leaves to the left.
A new container of greek yogurt chills in the fridge.
A can of Raid, placed back with the cleaning supplies,
in the bottom pantry.
Sunlight sheets over the mortar and pestle
as she grinds the herb, makes a salve with the yogurt,
coats her legs and arms.
The screen door opens. The boy rounds the counter.
I got them, he says, They're drowned.


Noah Burton was born in Kansas City, Kansas, lived in New Jersey, grew up in Northern Virginia, moved to Richmond, VA, to attend Virginia Commonwealth University, and now he is up in New Hampshire attending UNH as a first year MFA Poetry student.