Scapegoat Review Spring 2009

The Spring Issue of Scapegoat Review celebrates
a wide variety of writers; some established and
well known while others are at the beginning
of promising careers. That is the beauty of
language and ideas—
bringing forth together all kinds
of thought, music and art. Spring is a
time of rebirth, discovery and joy.
Flowers bloom, winter days turn longer,
and animals rejoice.
Weather can turn at a
moment’s notice;
no warning, natural disasters
destructing all in their path.
Hurricanes, tornadoes and monsoons run
rampant in parts of the world due
to unstable climates. Scapegoat’s aim is
to juxtapose beauty with ugliness,
showing the world as it is
in the world of words.
I hope you enjoy this
issue as much as I do.




Nin Andrews

Reading for a Book Contest

YZ Chin
Accusing the Panda
Accusing the Humans

Accusing the Bamboo

Juliet Cook
Domestic Disturbance

Joanna Fuhrman
The Writer’s Life
The Joke

Poem in Favor of Joy

Mary-Catherine Jones


Sara Lefsyk
dearest figments,

June Coleman Magrab

Pop-Pop Sectioning Grapefruit and Doing Cantaloupe
                For my father, John Coleman 1902-1987
Because One Is A Member Of The Underprivileged

Joe Millar

Kiely Sweatt

Dear, in fast response
to overly eager:

Martin Woodside


Flash Fiction
Rusty Barnes
On Another Night In Paradise
Karen Dietrich
Idle Hands